Grove,  2019: Installation view of site-specific wall painting with individual acrylic paintings on linen, 18 x 46 feet.  Painting installation for the exhibition “Aftereffect,” curated by Elissa Auther and Emily Joyce, Museum of Contemporary Art,
  Grove,  2019: Installation view of site-specific wall painting with individual acrylic paintings on linen, 18 x 46 feet.  Painting installation for the exhibition “Aftereffect,” curated by Elissa Auther and Emily Joyce, Museum of Contemporary Art,
  Grove,  2019: Installation view of site-specific wall painting with individual acrylic paintings on linen, 18 x 46 feet, detail.  Painting installation for the exhibition “Aftereffect,” curated by Elissa Auther and Emily Joyce, Museum of Contempora
  Grove,  2019: Installation view of site-specific wall painting with individual acrylic paintings on linen, 18 x 46 feet.  Painting installation for the exhibition “Aftereffect,” curated by Elissa Auther and Emily Joyce, Museum of Contemporary Art,
  Fiddlehead , 2019: Acrylic on linen on panel, 28.75 x 23”  Photo credit: Wes Magyar
  Nightwatch , 2019: Acrylic on linen on panel, 28.75 x 23”  Photo credit: Wes Magyar
  Cabin , 2019: Acrylic on linen on panel, 28.75 x 23”  Photo credit: Wes Magyar
  Lichen , 2019: Acrylic on linen on panel, 28.75 x 23”  Photo credit: Wes Magyar
  Burning Bush , 2019: Watercolor, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 16.25 x 13”  Exhibited as part of “Everyday Perfection,” Albany International Airport Gallery, curated by Kathy Greenwood.  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren  More information:  h
  Night Message , 2019: Watercolor, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 16.25 x 13”  Exhibited as part of “Everyday Perfection,” Albany International Airport Gallery, curated by Kathy Greenwood.  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren  More information:
  Ring Path , 2019: Watercolor, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 16.25 x 13”  Exhibited as part of “Everyday Perfection,” Albany International Airport Gallery, curated by Kathy Greenwood.  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren  More information:  http
  Deep Vale , 2019: Watercolor, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 16.25 x 13”  Exhibited as part of “Everyday Perfection,” Albany International Airport Gallery, curated by Kathy Greenwood.  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren  More information:  http
  Holler,  2018: Watercolor and gouache on paper, 14.75 x 14.75”  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren
  Fiddlehead I,  2018: Watercolor and gouache on paper, 14.75 x 14.75”  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren
  Widow’s Peak,  2018: Watercolor and gouache on paper, 14.75 x 14.75”  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren
  Study #4,  2018: Watercolor, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 12.5 x 10”  Photo credit: Melissa Thorne
  Study #3,  2018: Watercolor, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 12.5 x 10”  Photo credit: Melissa Thorne
  Study #2,  2018: Watercolor, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 12.5 x 10”  Photo credit: Melissa Thorne
  Study #1,  2018: Watercolor, gouache and colored pencil on paper, 12.5 x 10”  Photo credit: Melissa Thorne
  Shadde , 2017: Installation view of exhibition at BUSHEL, Delhi, NY. Site specific ink wall painting on existing walls, framed works on paper installed on wall painting.  Photo credit: Heather Phelps-Lipton  More information:  https://bushelcollect
  Shadde , 2017: Installation view of exhibition at BUSHEL, Delhi, NY. Site specific ink wall painting on existing walls, framed works on paper installed on wall painting.  Photo credit: Heather Phelps-Lipton  More information:  https://bushelcollect
  Shadde , 2017: Installation view of exhibition at BUSHEL, Delhi, NY. Site specific ink wall painting on existing walls, framed works on paper installed on wall painting.  Photo credit: Heather Phelps-Lipton  More information:  https://bushelcollect
  Perseids , 2017: Watercolor, ink and gouache on collaged paper, 17.5 x 14".  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren
  Fitches Crossing , 2017: Watercolor, ink and gouache on collaged paper, 17.5 x 14".  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren
  Slow Shake (Lake ), 2017: Watercolor, ink and gouache on collaged paper, 17.5 x 14".  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren
  Full Moon in Capricorn , 2017: Watercolor, ink and gouache on collaged paper, 17.5 x 14".  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren
  Shadde , 2017: Watercolor, ink and gouache on collaged paper, 17.5 x 14".  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren
  Fireflies , 2017: Watercolor, ink and gouache on collaged paper, 17.5 x 14".  Photo credit: Jason van Stavaren
  Desert Center 1 , 2016: Ink and graphite on existing wall, 38 x 38".  Site-specific painting, one of a series of four created in abandoned cabins in Desert Center, CA, during a 2016 residency with Epicenter Projects.  Photo credit: Lance Gerber  Ph
  Desert Center 4 , 2016: Ink and graphite on existing wall, 38 x 38".  Site-specific painting, one of a series of four created in abandoned cabins in Desert Center, CA, during a 2016 residency with Epicenter Projects.  Photo credit: Lance Gerber  Ph
  Desert Center 3 , 2016: Ink and graphite on existing wall, 38 x 30".  Site-specific painting, one of a series of four created in abandoned cabins in Desert Center, CA, during a 2016 residency with Epicenter Projects.  Photo credit: Lance Gerber  Ph
  Untitled WC2 , 2016: Watercolor and gouache on paper, 15 x 12".  Excerpt from an ongoing series of works on paper exploring architectural patterns accumulated during an extended research trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The patterns are taken from s
  Untitled WC4,  2016: Watercolor and gouache on paper, 15 x 12".  Excerpt from an ongoing series of works on paper exploring architectural patterns accumulated during an extended research trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The patterns are taken from s
  Untitled WC3 , 2016: Watercolor and gouache on paper, 15 x 12".  Excerpt from an ongoing series of works on paper exploring architectural patterns accumulated during an extended research trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The patterns are taken from s
  Untitled WC1 , 2016: Watercolor and gouache on paper, 15 x 12".  Excerpt from an ongoing series of works on paper exploring architectural patterns accumulated during an extended research trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The patterns are taken from s
  By the Light or the Eye,  2015: Exterior installation view, acrylic enamel and milled sintra on existing storefront.  Site-specific painting installation made for GRIDSPACE, an artist-run storefront in Brooklyn, New York.  Photo credit: Alan Wiener
  By the Light or the Eye , 2015: Interior installation view, ink and watercolor on existing wall (left), framed letterpress print (right). GRIDSPACE, Brooklyn, NY.  Photo credit: Alan Wiener  More information:
  Aperture , 2015: Unique letterpress print with hand-painted watercolor, 8.5 x 10.5" each.  Two examples from a limited edition print series made with GRIDSPACE editions, in collaboration with printer Ruby Kapka/NSFW Presse.
  Calamus , 2015: Ink and watercolor on paper, 7.5 x 6".  Photo credit: Melissa Thorne
  Greensboro , 2015: Ink and watercolor on paper, 7.5 x 6".  Photo credit: Melissa Thorne
  Heat Lightning , 2015: Ink and watercolor on paper, 7.5 x 6".  Photo credit: Melissa Thorne
  Pipevine , 2015: Ink and watercolor on paper, 7.5 x 6".  Photo credit: Melissa Thorne
  Screen Study , 2014: 64 x 78", acrylic ink on existing cement wall, Pereira da Silva community, Rio de Janeiro.
  A Wall Around a Window,  2013: Installation view, Devin Borden Gallery, Houston, TX.  Acrylic paintings installed on site-specific wall painting, ink and graphite, 10'8" x 40 feet.  Photo credit: Logan Beck  More information:
  Untitled (Rocks) , 2013: Acrylic on linen on panel, 40 x 32".  Photo credit: Logan Beck
  Untitled (Louver) , 2013: Acrylic on linen on panel, 40 x 32".  Photo credit: Logan Beck
  A Wall Around a Window , 2013: Installation view, Devin Borden Gallery, Houston, TX.  Photo credit: Logan Beck  More information:
  Untitled (Olana) , 2013: Silkscreen wall-hanging on hand-dyed linen, 2 panels 72 x 48" each, + hand-turned maple stool with acrylic enamel surface, 16" diameter x 12".  Photo credit: Logan Beck
  Untitled (Olana) , 2013: Detail view of stool with machine-milled relief face.  Photo credit: Logan Beck
  A Wall Around a Window , 2013: Alternate installation view with second wall painting, Devin Borden Gallery, Houston, TX.  Photo credit: Logan Beck  More information:
  A Wall Around a Window , 2013: Installation view, Devin Borden Gallery, Houston, TX.  Photo credit: Logan Beck  More information:
  A Wall Around a Window , 2013: Detail with framed watercolors installed on wall painting.  Photo credit: Logan Beck  More information:
  A Wall Around a Window,  2013: Installation view, Devin Borden Gallery, Houston, TX.  Photo credit: Logan Beck
  Ranchstone Repea t, 2012: Ink and graphite on existing column, 32 feet x 16” x 16.”  Site-specific painting made for the exhibition “Material Occupation,” curated by Corinna Ripps Schaming. University Art Museum, University at Albany/SUNY, NY.
  Ranchstone Repeat , 2012: Detail, ink and graphite on existing column, 32 feet x 16” x 16.”  Site-specific painting made for the exhibition “Material Occupation,” curated by Corinna Ripps Schaming. University Art Museum, University at Albany/SUNY,
  Repeater , 2011: Ink, watercolor and graphite on existing wall, 9' 6” x 32' 4”.  “Site as Symbol” exhibition, curated by Survey West Collaborative, FOCA exhibition space, Los Angeles, CA.
  Repeater , 2011: Ink, watercolor and graphite on existing wall, 9' 6” x 32' 4”.  “Site as Symbol” exhibition, curated by Survey West Collaborative, FOCA exhibition space, Los Angeles, CA.  Installation view of exhibition with works by Jill Newman a
  Stamp,  2010: Watercolor and ink on cut paper, 17 x 15”.
  Divider , 2010: Watercolor and ink on cut paper, 17 x 15”.
  Patch , 2010: Watercolor and ink on cut paper, 17 x 15”.
  Repeater , 2010: Watercolor and ink on cut paper, 17 x 15”.
  Rockslide Rocksolid , 2010: Installation view, Optical Project, Houston, TX.  Listening room with hand-printed linen sound curtains, custom furniture and original audio on limited edition vinyl records.
  Rockslide Rocksolid , 2010: Custom audio table with vinyl records, 20 x 20 x 16".
  Rockslide Rocksolid , 2010: Alternate installation view with secondary curtain pattern.
  Rockslide Rocksolid , 2010: Sound curtain patterns, screen-printed on hand-dyed linen in collaboration with Gray Area Print, Los Angeles, CA.
  Landslide/Solid , 2010: Original 12”, two-sided vinyl record in edition of 100, featuring song covers by the artist. Custom vinyl color and offset litho sleeves.
  Patch Repeat , 2011: Letterpress and unique watercolor collage, 8 x 10” each.  Two examples from a limited edition print series made for Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, in collaboration with printer Leslie Ross-Robertson/Wavelength Press.
 Melissa Thorne with Fol Chen,  Untitled (Wiener Werkstatte textile length) , 2008: Original watercolor and audio, produced as a CD edition of 50.  The 50 x 50” artwork (above) was subsequently cut into 5” square CD sleeve cards, to accompany a sound
  Eight-Story High Rise , 2007: Ink, watercolor and gouache on paper, 28 x 25”.
  Geode,  2007: Ink and watercolor on paper, 19 x 16".
  Demonstration Earthship , 2007: Watercolor, ink, gouache and collage on paper, 34 x 30".
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